Lovely Vine Support
Mexican Feather Grass
Passion Fruit
Buffalo Grass
Mexican Feather Grass

Common name:Mexican Feather Grass
Botanical name:Nassella tenuissima

This ornamental grass grows to 2' tall. It goes partially dormant during the summer but green in spring and fall. It prefers a sunny, well drained site. This plant can be invasive in some areas, so use caution. To keep reseeding to a minimum, drip irrigation will be best. Cut back in early spring to remove dormant foliage and dried seed heads. It can also tolerate dry shade. It grows to 10" wide and is the finest textured of the ornamental grasses.

Passion Fruit

Common name:Passion Fruit
Botanical name:Passiflora edulis

The Passion Fruit Vine is famous for producing the "passion fruit". An purplish, egg-shaped fruit with a leathery hide reveals inside, a pudding-like mass, with edible seeds. It can be scooped out or sucked out of the halved fruit. This vine is often invasive.

Buffalo Grass

Common name:Buffalo Grass
Botanical name:Buchloe dactyloides

This perennial shortgrass grows 2"-5" high and 6'-12' wide. The rounded, hollow stems have gray green curly leaves that are 1/10" wide and 2" long. This grass is very drought-resistant and turns tan in winter and lavender in autumn. It is slow to establish, but extra summer water helps. This grass is low maintenance and needs full sun.

Designer: Daley Landscape

Lovely Vine Support

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.