Common name:Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Botanical name:Rosa Hybrid Tea varieties
These shrubs and vines are the most loved in the Western USA and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and are easy to maintain with proper care. They can be used in a water-conserving garden with careful attention to irrigation practices.
Common name:Ginkgo Tree, Maidenhair Tree
Botanical name:Ginkgo biloba
The Ginko biloba, with its distinct fan-shaped leaves, initially grows with a pyramidal habit, but later becomes wide-spreading. It is generally not bothered by insects or disease.
Common name:Angel's Trumpet, Datura
Botanical name:Brugmansia X candida
A tender, subtropical shrub that grows to 12', the Angel's Trumpet shows huge, felty leaves and enormous, pendant trumpet-shaped flowers. It has a sweet, heavy fragrance at night. It should be grown in sun to part shade, with average to little summer watering. The growth rate is faster with fertilizing, but it is more prone to insect damage. This variety seems to recover faster from hard frosts.
Common name:Don Juan Climbing Rose
Botanical name:Rosa 'Don Juan'
With its dark green foliage and fragrant flowers of a full, double, velvety dark red color, this upright shrub is generally grown as a vine or pillar rose.
Designer: | Angel Trumpet Greeting |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.
Mulching and adding compost to soil can minimize evaporation and help soil absorb and store water.
Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.