Botanical Name: Agave lophantha
Common Name: Center Band Agave  
Plant photo of: Agave lophantha
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  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range



Flower Color

Green, Yellow


Flower Season



Leaf Color

Green, Dark Green, Light Green, Yellow Green, Variegated


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season



Full, Half



Very Low


Growth Rate

Moderate, Slow


Soil Type

Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular


Soil Condition

Average, Poor, Well-drained


Soil pH

Neutral, Basic


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

Ranch, Spanish


Accenting Features

Unusual Foliage, Unusual Shape


Seasonal Interest



Location Uses

Foundation, Parking Strip, Patio, Raised Planter, With Rocks


Special Uses

Container, Mass Planting, Fire Resistant, Small Spaces


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: George Hull MSN
Photographer: Mountain States Nursery
  • Description

  • Notes

This Agave forms irregular colonies. It is an upright grower, to about 3' tall by 2' wide. It has stiff, glossy, dark green to light green leaves with a light stripe down the center. The leaves are somewhat sword like. It has sharp spines on the margins and tip. It is a slow to moderate grower. It is susceptible to Agave snout weevils without protection.
Planting: 1. Dig a hole 1" less the depth and 2 times the width of the container. 2. Fill hole with water, let soak. 3. Set root ball in hole. 4. Fill hole halway with native soil and water. 5. Finish backfilling hole, build basin and water.