Shrub Border, Foundation, Parking Strip, Patio, Walkways, With Rocks
Special Uses
Container, Filler, Mass Planting
Attracts Wildlife
Information by: George Hull MSN Photographer: Mountain States Nursery
The clumping grass grows to mature size of 6' tall by 5' wide. It is an easy to control grass that is drought tolerant, cold tolerant and accepts full sun. Flowering plumes appear fall and winter with purple spikes rising above the foliage. Leaves are chartreuse, fine and textured, creating a soft billowy effect. It spreads slowly by underground stems. It needs moderate to ample water but well drained soil. Cut back during spring when it begins growing; divide every 3-4 years.
Planting: 1. Dig a hole 1" less the depth and 2 times the width of the container. 2. Fill hole with water, let soak. 3. Set root ball in hole. 4. Fill hole halfway with native soil and water. 5. Finish back filling hole, build basin and water.