Botanical Name: Rhus integrifolia
Common Name: Lemonade Berry  
Plant photo of: Rhus integrifolia
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California Native Plant
  • Anatomy

  • Culture

  • Design

Plant Type



Height Range



Flower Color

Pink, White


Flower Season

Winter, Spring


Leaf Color

Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color

Black, Red


Fruit Season



Full, Half





Growth Rate

Fast, Moderate


Soil Type

Sandy, Clay, Rocky


Soil Condition

Average, Well-drained, Dry


Soil pH

Neutral, Basic


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

Ranch, Seascape


Accenting Features

Showy Flowers


Seasonal Interest

Winter, Spring


Location Uses

Background, With Rocks


Special Uses

Erosion Control, Hedge, Screen, Naturalizing


Attracts Wildlife


Information by: Jerry Sortomme Editor
Photographer: El Nativo
  • Description

  • Notes

The Lemonade Berry is an evergreen shrub that reaches 30' high. It has aromatic leaves and develops small white to pink flowers and red berries. This shrub grows best in coastal areas and is drought tolerant. The Lemonade Berry is a native to California
Planting: 1. Dig a hole 1" less the depth and 2 times the width of the container. 2. Fill hole with water, let soak. 3. Set root ball in hole. 4. Fill hole halfway with native soil and water. 5. Finish back filling hole, build basin and water.